I Hate Moving: Self Talk

For the last month I have been moving. Not once. Twice. Sounds like a college kid, doesn’t it? From my home of a dozen years to a rental, and today I will finish moving my worldly possessions from the rental to my new home. Moving is hideous. Everyone knows that. But why? There is the physical reality of boxing up everything I own efficiently, only to find the boxes are too heavy to carry. Which leads to the question I repeat to myself, “Do I really need what is in this box?” And so I open the box and find a stack of plates. Not plates I use. Or have ever used. Rather, plates that were my grandmother’s who got them from her mother. Then the self-talk begins . . . “Tape it back up, bro. The guilt associated with giving them away would be far worse than that numbness in your feet caused by that disc in your lower back. Be a man. Remember, lift with your legs.” “What the fuck does that mean?” “I don’t know but I read it. Lift with your legs.” “Why are all those b...