An Apology From The Abyss

I have never grieved before. I pray never to grieve again. I have been sad before. Death of friends and family and my dogs who all loved me unconditionally. Maybe the suicide of one of my best friends is as close as I came to grief. Before now. For the past two months, I have grieved the loss of Lorena, the woman I loved and who loved me in a way different than I have ever experienced. I offer this not as an excuse, but as a reason, for my unavailability. I am not good at grief, not just because this is my first confrontation with the powerful forces sadness, lonliness, and hopelessness, but because for me it is an intensely personal experience. For me, it is not one I feel comfortable sharing. With anyone. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will change my reality, a reality without the person I planned the rest of my life around. And, I am right. The few times I have ventured out have been disastrous at worst, and uncomfortable for those around me, at best. ...