So, What Was So Special About Her?

I’ve written a lot, perhaps too much, about the grief that has devastated me since the death of my love, Lorena. This will be the last on this topic for a while.

But before I finish, I need to answer a question that many of you have asked,

“What was so special about her?”

She was simple, straightforward, and honest.

Her ego was always muted, under control, if it existed at all.

She didn’t want to compete with me or anyone else.

She enjoyed just sitting together.

She didn’t need to be entertained.

Her life wasn’t a running travelogue.

If we went someplace, fine. If we didn’t, also fine.

She thought my habit of bringing coffee to her in bed every morning was the kindest thing ever.

She spoke well of others.

She was beautiful and liked to be pretty but when I told her I thought she was just as beautiful without makeup, she seemed relieved and stopped wearing it except when we went out.

She didn’t discuss politics or religion.

She was self-motivated. She got up and went to work and never complained.

She liked to hold hands.

She loved to snuggle at night.

She found my impatience curious because she was never in a hurry.

She liked to look at the mountains from the terrace without comment.

She appreciated everything.

She was rarely upset or unhappy.

She never lost control.

She didn’t strive or struggle. She let life deal the cards and happily played the hand she was dealt.

She didn’t concern herself with what others thought.

She had no enemies.

She didn’t hate.

She loved children and my dogs.

Money was nice, but as long as she had a roof over head and some food on the table she was happy just being.

She wasn’t trying to be somebody else.

She didn’t try to impress others.

She wasn’t self-important.

She was drop dead gorgeous, inside and out.

That’s the answer. Those are the qualities, all in one simple, but amazing, woman, that made her different and why I grieve.

And one more thing I need to say, “Lorena, my sweetest heart, there will never be another you.”

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