Slouching into Oblivion

I moved to Mexico 20 years ago for no good or apparent reason except to flee the world of shopping, vacuous conversations and in your face lying about money and stuff, usually punctuated with hostility, greed, threats, envy, hubris, violence, inequality, stagnation, and the inescapable and predictable descent into authoritarian tyranny. I spent most of those years practicing the dark trade of law, crossing the border the wrong way in the deep nights to make a buck so I could end up giving it away to wife number two, who I may sometimes refer to in these stories as “Plaintiff.” Over the years, my world has gotten smaller, if only because I find most people everywhere self-important, willfully ignorant, repetitive, insincere, lacking curiosity, and still struggling to find meaning in a meaningless experience.
These scribblings are a part of an series of alcohol- and anger-fueled meanderings, complaints and convictions written over more than twenty years, some published, others not. They include selected newspaper columns I wrote in the late 90’s, accounts of my infamous adventures with “Big Joe,” and more current observations and cruelties to which I intend to contribute weekly. Little of what you find here will motivate you; it won’t change your unfulfilled life; it will not give you hope, but from the right vantage point, you may find yourself smiling, knowingly.
Here is where I have begun this collection of outrageous lies and libel and where I will continue to feed it as the voracious animal it is:
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